Is Coaching
Right for You?
Parent coaching is for those who are ready to implement new strategies with the intention of strengthening their relationship with their teen.
Parent Coaching is right for you if…
- You recognize that change starts with you.
- You are motivated and ready to do the work to become a more effective parent.
- You want a healthy relationship based on trust and respect.
- You want to enjoy parenting your teenager.
If the above resonates with you, rather than asking yourself if parent coaching is right for you, a better question is, “Is Ken right for me?”
Parent coaching is an investment of two very valuable things: your time and money. You need to decide if I am a fit for you, and conversely, I need to determine if you are a fit for me.
There is only one way to know if we have a fit: you contact me and book a free 30-minute, no-obligation conversation. Click here to connect with me.

Parent Coaching with Ken will help you…
- Stay calm when confronted with your teenager’s challenging behaviour.
- Become confident in your parenting skills.
- Stay connected to your teenager and strengthen your relationship.
- Raise your level of influence and be an “ally” in your teenager’s life.
FAQs about Parent Coaching
Is Parent Coaching covered under my Health Benefits Plan?
The cost of parent coaching is not covered under your health benefits. Consider it as investment in yourself and your relationship with your teenager.
What is the difference between parent coaching and therapy?
- typically focuses on issues of pathology, unresolved psychological issues of the past, and healing.
- frequently uses diagnoses and can last anywhere from weeks to years.
Parent coaching:
- looks forward, deals in the present, seeks to educate, and does not diagnose. While the past may be discussed, it is addressed in the context of discovering what is blocking the client from moving forward.
- uses tools and the most current research to help you develop the skills you need to parent your teenager.
Will you meet with my teenager or us as a family?
No. Parent coaching is designed to help you become the agent of change for your teenager. A parent coach helps from behind the scenes.
Parenting a teenager or young adult can be a significant challenge, but a happier, healthier, and more respectful relationship is possible.
Parent Coaching with Ken can help.